Welcome to Windmills Information

The staff at Windmills Opportunity Playgroup are all experienced and well trained within
the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Admissions Policy

Windmills Opportunity Playgroup is registered with Ofsted URN 113835 and has no conditions or registration placed as an Early Years Provider.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

At Windmills we believe that the safety and welfare of the child is paramount and that it should underpin everything we do.

Parent fees

2 year old fees: Fees are charged at £8.00 per hour to be paid half termly. The fees change to the 3 and 4 year old rate on the child’s third birthday

3 and 4 year old fees: Fees are charged at £6.25 per hour to be paid half termly.

Fees are payable during periods of absence from the playgroup, including times of sickness and any holidays taken when Windmills is open.

One half terms notice is required if you no longer require the place. Until that notice has expired fees are payable.

Any unsettled invoice may result in your child’s place being withdrawn at the discretion of the trustees.

Funded Fees

Universal Free Entitlement funding is provided for 3 and 4 year old children and is paid from the term after the child is 3. The funding is paid for up to 15 hours per week and can be shared with other settings. You must inform the playgroup if you are claiming at another setting.

Extended Free Entitlement: Working parents of 3 and 4 year old children may be entitled to an additional 15 hours of free childcare. If this is not the case then any hours attended outside the 15 hours are charged at our normal rate. 

Two Year Funding: Windmills accept two year funding, please contact WSCC to see if you are eligible.  

Further information on funding schemes can be found at ‘Childcare Choices’ – www.childcarechoices.gov.uk 

For more information on our ‘Local Offer’ please contact us for further information.


Throughout a child’s time at Windmills, we use Tapestry a secure online learning journal to build a very special record of a child’s development and learning journey through their early years.

We capture the daily lives of the children through photographs and observations which help us identify what a child already knows and what to plan next to build on their knowledge.

As a parent, you will have direct secure access to your child’s records to see what play, fun and learning your child is engaging with during their time at Windmills.

At your fingertips, you will have access to information in our documents section and receive a weekly manager’s broadcast with ideas and activities to try at home.

The best part is that you can post observations directly onto Tapestry and share activities that you have enjoyed as a family, these posts are always appreciated and give us the opportunity to talk to the child about their experiences outside of Windmills.

Our Curriculum Goals

At Windmills Opportunity Playgroup the children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. Through a well planned and varied range of exciting and stimulating activities the children are constantly encountering new and familiar experience and rich language to both embed and build on what they already know.

Areas of Learning

Throughout the seven Areas of Learning there are developmental milestones for children to attain, and the educational curriculum is geared to these objectives: At Windmills Opportunity Playgroup we will:

  • Provide a foundation for each child’s individual future learning.
  • Include the provision of Special Educational Needs and those whom English is not their first language.
  • Maximise opportunities to foster children’s emotional, social, moral, cultural, and spiritual development.
  • Build upon children’s previous life experiences and the knowledge and skills they have already gained.
  • Be available to all children, and to ensure equality of opportunity regardless of gender, race or ethnic origin, creed, colour, religion and disabilities or impairments.
  • For the child to look upon their learning as a rewarding and pleasurable experience.
  • Provide sufficient time and opportunity for each child to learn through a programme of involvement in concentrated activity.
  • To identify’ at an early stage any Special Educational Needs that a child may have that may require intervention or support, and to liaise with support agencies as appropriate.
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